Stanford Small and Entrepreneurship graduates

On October 20th, we had the honor of extending our congratulations to a group of remarkable refugees who had actively participated in a transformative Small Business and Entrepreneurship training program. This initiative was a collaborative effort between Stanford University, MUBS, and Aspire Digital Hub, with the overarching goal of empowering refugees to achieve self-reliance while making significant contributions to their host communities.

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Ref Hub: Information for ALL – Empowering Refugee Communities through Digital Innovation

IRC proudly unveils the evolution of ‘Ref Hub’, an innovative digital platform designed to empower both refugee and host communities in Uganda πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬. From a vision to a victorious reality, Ref Hub bridges information gaps, ensuring everyone has timely access to crucial info. From health to education and legal rights, it’s not just a digital platform, it’s a beacon of empowerment 🌟.

Collaborations with UNHCR and other partners are at the heart of this endeavor, emphasizing the collective spirit of humanitarian efforts. Dive into the full story and witness the transformative power of technology and unity:

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Decent Work Summit Kampala

🌟 Proud to be part of an inspiring event “Decent Work Summit” on refugees’ access to decent work! 🀝✨ Together with our partners and stakeholders, we’re advocating for a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in dignified employment. Let’s break down barriers and create brighter futures! 🌍πŸ’ͺ #RefugeesRights #DecentWork #InclusionForAll#AspireDigitalHub #ChangeMakers

Project pitch at the Urban Refugee Livelihoods Partnership (URLP) workshop

Earlier this week, we attended the Urban Refugee Livelihoods Partnership (URLP) workshop, alongside esteemed stakeholders from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, International Rescue Committee, Office of the Prime Minister, Norwegian Refugee Council, Kampala Capital City Authority, Federation of Small & Medium Enterprises-Uganda, SPOUTS International, Platform for Vendors in Uganda, and other partners and recognized NGOs.

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